Cut Macular Degeneration Risk in Half in Nevada City CA!

Cut Macular Degeneration Risk in Half! Nevada City CA

Cut Macular Degeneration Risk in Half in Nevada City CA!

Learn about how you can cut the risk of macular degeneration in Nevada City CA.

Read this article in Nevada City CA

A new study shows that regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids cuts the risk of macular degeneration in half! The authors stated that of the 2170 people involved in the study, the people that ate oily fish on a weekly basis had half the risk of macular degeneration compared to those who did not consume oily fish weekly.

Remember that most Americans are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, and that these fats play a role in mood, heart disease, cancer, stroke, diabletes, dementia, learning, and eye-health. I sell an excellent omega-3 product in my store, check it out!


9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:30pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm


9:00am - 4:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Sierra Spine & Fitness

582 Searls Ave
Nevada City, CA 95959

(530) 470-8500